Genesee ISD holds 3rd Annual Day of Giving

The purpose of the Day of Giving is to perform intentional acts of kindness for unsuspecting people in our community. Originally planned for earlier this year, GISD rescheduled the event due to the pandemic. Determined to pull off this special day, with necessary adjustments for safety, it was rescheduled for September 11, a day deserving of intentional acts of kindness and giving to others. In preparation for the big day, the District held a Donation Day in February. In addition to financial contributions, employees donated hundreds of items including school supplies for students and teachers, stuffed animals, books, and blankets for children in local hospitals, personal care, along with other items, for teens who will soon age out of the foster care system to help them with the transition. These are just a few examples of several special surprises GISD has in store.

“We have planned 51 different projects and we intend to perform thousands of intentional acts of kindness in 20 hours,” said Dr. Lisa Hagel, Superintendent of the Genesee Intermediate School District. “We are looking forward to putting smiles on the faces of people all across Mid-Michigan. GISD employees have spent countless hours organizing and preparing to spread positivity and happiness throughout our community. It’s going to be a wonderful day.”

Gift bags, stuffed animals and books  Teams of GISD employees will be out at various locations Friday, September 11, many wearing bright orange shirts (along with their masks). GISD Day of Giving efforts are meant to show kindness to others throughout our community while inspiring others to do the same. When someone is a recipient of the intentional acts of kindness, the GISD staff hopes they choose to pay it forward, causing the kindness and positivity to spread! You can follow the effort on social media this Friday with #GISDDayofGiving.