Message from the Superintendent

Welcome to our 2022-2023 school year. It is with great enthusiasm that I share how excited I am about our new school year.  We have spent a great deal of time planning and preparing to make this school year THE  BEST YET!  We have worked diligently to hire and retain qualified staff, ensure quality curriculum and ensure a safe, respectful and orderly environment in order for ALL of our students to reach their highest potential.  

We will continue to work diligently to follow our MISSION and VISION Statements:  Continental School District will provide a community environment in which all individuals are challenged to achieve excellence in academics, character, and life skills.

Building for the Future - Learning, Cooperating, and Caring for all.    

Our state assessment data has not yet been made available to the public, although the preliminary data we have received looks very promising.  We will have a great deal to celebrate and we will also have to continue our efforts in certain areas to continue to close the achievement gap.  The state will be releasing school letter grades by the end of September/October.  STAY TUNED! 

Our theme for this year is “THIS IS US”!  We are so proud of the students and families that we serve and I look forward to our continued journey of excellence TOGETHER! 


Mrs. Roxana Rico 

Your Very Proud Superintendent 

